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Why Business Analysis Skills are Crucial for HR Professionals: A Comprehensive Guide

As an HR professional, you may be wondering why business analysis skills are important and how they can benefit your career. These skills are crucial… Read More

Our Biggest Event This Year – The HR Summit – is Happening in Person!

When we get together in person, there is a kind of electricity in the air; an energy that is felt but difficult to describe. For… Read More

Nurturing Talent Across Generations

It is evident that if organizations are to attract a wealth of top talent, they must keep pace with the changing dynamics of employer-employee relations… Read More

Recognizing the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

March 21 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which is informed by the International Convention on the Elimination… Read More

Pilot Program Participant Shares Insights on the Radical HR Certificate 

The upcoming Radical HR: Upskilling From Service Provider to Solutions Expert certificate program begins on March 6. Built in association with… Read More

Drawing on HR Best Practices to Enhance Organizational Leadership

When effective HR and impactful leadership come together, that is the key to fully leveraging business potential. But to begin with, how do we define… Read More

Signature HR Law Course Grows from Strength to Strength

12 years ago, Osgoode Professional Development embarked upon a unique program that would capture the imagination of human resources professionals and be a catalyst for… Read More

Becoming a Better Ally During Black History Month and Beyond

Black History Month is a dedicated time to honour the legacy, contributions, and culture of Black Canadians. But while Black History Month is marked in… Read More

Let’s Talk Mental Health

With the holidays having just wrapped up and the upcoming 2023 Bell Let’s Talk Day on January 25, now is an opportune time to… Read More

What Does 2023 Have in Store for Executives?

2023 is the year to level up your professional development and expand your skills in advanced strategic and business analysis. More and more HR leaders… Read More