Applications Opening Soon!

Save the Date: July 15

Want to make a difference in the HR community? Now you can as an HRPA Student Ambassador! The Student Ambassador program is an opportunity, for enthusiastic, career-driven HR students to act as a bridge between HRPA and their post-secondary school. It’s a win-win opportunity. When you become a Student Ambassador, you get the chance to inspire other students, while enhancing your own HR experience, receiving formal recognition by HRPA, building upon your resume and professional network and gaining access to free events.

As a Student Ambassador, you’ll play a pivotal role in fostering a relationship between HRPA and your post-secondary institution’s students, faculty and staff. You essentially help us, help others in your community understand the value of the HR profession and HRPA in Ontario.

The core responsibilities are the following:

  • Expose your post-secondary community to HRPA to increase the profile of both the association and the HR profession with the aim of growing student membership.
  • Be familiar with, and promote, information to fellow students on the range of HRPA benefits & programs and events.
  • Organize and assist with varied events such as presentations, info sessions, HR career night, and ad hoc events to create awareness about HRPA.
  • Participate in and increase social media presence as it relates to the role.
  • Develop and organize a minimum of one fall/winter and one spring/summer campus-specific networking event to increase awareness
  • Address general queries of students regarding events, benefits, and membership (always direct student to HRPA staff if you are not sure about the answer)
  • Collect feedback from students and share it with HRPA Staff
  • Share post-secondary school calendar with HRPA staff
  • Help recruit a replacement Student Ambassador when their term is up and ensure a smooth transition
  • Attend Student Ambassador training and monthly meetings with HRPA staff
  • Coordinate at least one informative event for Grade 12 students from your high school (Campus Tour, Open House, Auditorium presentation, etc.)
  • Must be an HRPA student member in good standing.
  • Be enrolled in a post-secondary school in a Human Resources Program (preferably a 3rd of 4th year student in a HR undergraduate program, or 2nd year student in a HR diploma program).
  • Where an HR Club exists at the school, be a member of the HR club (not a requirement if club does not exist).
  • Must be digital savvy.
  • Strong organizational, time management, and communication skills.
  • Ongoing, enthusiastic with great leadership skills.

The Student Ambassador will have the opportunity to:

  • Employment reference letter
  • Access complimentary HRPA Student events.
  • Gain a better understanding of HRPA and the HR profession.
  • Gain work and volunteer experience.
  • Build confidence.
  • Broaden your professional network within your local HR community.
  • Receive formal recognition at their local Chapter Annual Business meeting and during National Volunteer Week.

The Student Ambassador is a one-year commitment and provides an excellent opportunity to get involved with your professional association.

The Student Ambassador cycle follows the academic year of September to June. Students may be Ambassadors for more than one year.

The time commitment is approximately 5-8 hours a month, although this may vary significantly depending on activities. Below is an idea of the time commitment:

Attend monthly check-in meetings 30 minutes (every 2nd Friday at noon) Quick check-in to provide feedback
Attend at least one HRPA or Chapter event per month 1 to 2 hours Can attend virtually or in-person, length depends on the event
Attend HRPA Student Info session or presentation Varies Depending on if there is a scheduled info session for that specific month (can be virtual or in-person)
Network with students to share information 1 hour Invite students to ask questions about HRPA and the local Chapter. If students have questions you cannot answer, direct them to HRPA staff. These chats can happen at the beginning of class, informal in hallway or one-on-one meetings
Coordinate and organize events 3 – 4 hours Coordinate and organize a variety of on campus events; 1 high school event, 1 F/W term event, 1 S/S term event


Our Student Ambassadors (who are also current HR students) are passionate about sharing their experiences, providing advice and offering guidance to other HR students and HRPA student members. In this feature, learn more about where they’re from, what they’re studying, why they decided to pursue HR and/or why they chose to become an HRPA Student Ambassador.

Meet our 2023 – 2024 Student Ambassadors

Questions? Please contact Boski Verma at