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OHRC – Investigation template

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Policy on preventing sexual and gender-based harassment

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

Government of Ontario – Workplace harassment: investigations by an impartial person

Workplace health & safety information at the provincial level. Read More

Government of Ontario – Workplace harassment: investigation by the employer

Workplace health & safety information at the provincial level. Read More

Government of Ontario – Understand the law on workplace violence and harassment

Workplace health & safety information at the provincial level. Read More

Government of Ontario – Preventing workplace violence and workplace harassment

Workplace health & safety information at the provincial level. Read More

Examining 6 Top Risks in HR

There are risks that HR professionals can pose to the public, including jobseekers, employees, employers. Read More

Conducting Workplace Investigations

Detailed guidance on specific HR-practice areas based on HRPA’s risk roster. Read More