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Strengthening Ontario’s Workforce for the Jobs of Tomorrow

HRPA produced this research report with 21 recommendations to help strengthen Ontario’s workforce, and better plan for a brighter future.​… Read More

HR & Millennials: Insights Into Your New Human Capital

Millennial workers are the future of all Canadian businesses and represent the largest age cohort in the Canadian workplace. Read More

Gaps Between Education and Employability in Ontario High Schools

Employers continue to voice concerns that new graduates entering the workforce are lacking the core skills required to take on entry-level jobs. Read More

Government of Canada – Job Bank: Explore an occupation

Tools and resources to help find, hire, and retain employees. Read More

Government of Canada – Employer Resources: Hiring

Tools and resources to help find, hire, and retain employees. Read More

Does Boomerang Hiring Make Sense?

They quit, go to work for someone else and then come back to you – that’s a boomerang employee. Read More

Nurturing Talent Across Generations

How can you get yourself, your teams and your organization ready for what’s coming down the pipeline?… Read More

Inclusive Hiring Best Practices

Best practices and tips to help ensure an inclusive hiring process. Read More