This is my archive

OHRC – Policy on preventing sexual and gender-based harassment

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

Government of Ontario – Workplace harassment: investigations by an impartial person

Workplace health & safety information at the provincial level. Read More

Government of Ontario – Workplace harassment: investigation by the employer

Workplace health & safety information at the provincial level. Read More

Government of Ontario – Understand the law on workplace violence and harassment

Workplace health & safety information at the provincial level. Read More

Government of Ontario – Preventing workplace violence and workplace harassment

Workplace health & safety information at the provincial level. Read More

Statistics Canada – Gender Diversity and Inclusion Statistics

Statistics to help inform EDI initiatives. Read More

OHRC – Questions and answers about gender identity and pronouns

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Count me in! Collecting human rights-based data

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Call it out: racism, racial discrimination and human rights

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More

OHRC – Policy on preventing discrimination because of gender identity and gender expression

Human rights information at the provincial level. Read More