Consultations and Initiatives

Consultations Initiatives

The HRPA engages with our members and the public in several ways. On this page you will find information on emerging matters—new activities we are undertaking or considering undertaking.

In the case of consultations, stakeholders will be invited to provide input. Such input may be by way of survey, participation in a focus group, requests for comment, or participation in a committee. In the case of initiatives, while there will be no formal request for input, you may email the HRPA with any questions or concerns.

And remember—if you have an idea you would like us to consider, please go to our “Share an Idea” page and submit your idea!

Competency Framework Review

The HRPA is undertaking a review of its competency framework, originally published in 2014. The competency framework is the foundation for the HRPA’s three designations (CHRP, CHRL, and CHRE), including the knowledge exams that support the CHRP and CHRL designations.

The goals of the review are to review and update the framework so that it is modern, agile, and simplified, reflecting the needs of the profession and the province for the years to come.

As part of the review process, the HRPA will be reaching out to a range of stakeholders to understand how the framework is being used and how it can be improved and updated.

The HRPA will be working with a consultant to facilitate this work.

If you are interested in participating in this project, please bookmark this page and keep an eye out for communications from the HRPA when we begin to seek volunteers to provide input into revisions to the framework.

This is your profession, and we want to hear from you!

More Information About You, From You

As part of Vision 2027, the HRPA’s new strategic plan, the HRPA committed to an inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) strategy for the HRPA. One aspect of this strategy is to collect relevant information about you, from you. To that end, as the HRPA implements a modernized technology solution for registration and renewal, we will begin to ask you questions about who you are and how you see yourself.

We are going to start with a few new questions about gender, ability status, sexuality, racial/ethnic group, and first language. As we begin to understand and analyze the information, we may build from there.

Responding will be optional, and data will be aggregated and anonymized before we publish any lessons we learn from the data.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to