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Go on a Learning Journey this September

September 30 marks National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Based on the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, HRPA is offering a unique,… Read More

Mentoring Matters: Q&A with Veronica Martin

Mentoring can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your HR career. Just ask Veronica Martin, CHRL, ATC, Coach and Consultant, and long-time HRPA… Read More

The Impact of Psychological Safety on Coaching

An article by Dr. David Weiss, who will be speaking at HRPA’s upcoming Toronto Chapter event on September… Read More

How the HRPA Complaints Process Works

One of the most important responsibilities of HRPA is to ensure our registrants (members, students, registered firms) are practicing HR competently, professionally, and ethically –… Read More

Is ‘Quiet Quitting’ a Response to ‘Quiet Firing’?

If you’ve been on TikTok lately you’ve probably heard about quiet quitting. If not, we’ll get you up to speed on the latest workplace trend… Read More

Acknowledging Ageism and Generational Bias Exist

Boomers are set in their ways and don’t understand new technology. Millennials are lazy and get more done on Instagram than at work. Generational stereotyping… Read More

Absenteeism, Presenteeism Problems – Are Attendance Bonuses the Answer?

It’s been a few months since the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) announced and implemented its attendance bonus program, offering workers a $200-a-week bonus… Read More

Asking Candidates About Salary History – Helpful or Harmful?

“How much did you earn at your last job?”  If you’re a job applicant, you may have been asked this question by an interviewer before… Read More

Member Spotlight: Kaddeem Williams

Every person who becomes an HRPA member or student member has a story to tell. So, in our 2021 Annual Report, we asked some of… Read More

6 Tips for Maximizing Your Mentoring Relationship

Mentorship is about relationship, meaning it’s a two-way street. Whether you’re an HRPA mentee or a mentor (or interested in becoming… Read More