Strengthening Our IDEA Commitment: HRPA Partners with Feminuity

Building an inclusive, diverse, equitable and accessible (IDEA) workplace is not and truly cannot be the sole responsibility of a single department or individual. But… Read More

Wellbeing Washing Hurts Your People. Here’s How HR Can Avoid It.

Lunchtime yoga, gym memberships and free fruit in the office are all signs of a robust workplace wellness strategy…right? Well, maybe not. In reality,… Read More

Imposter Syndrome is Not Holding Women Back. But THIS is.

October is Women’s History Month, a time dedicated to celebrating the remarkable achievements of women in Canada. Women-identifying persons, both past and present, have made… Read More

Beware the Deepfakes at Work

AI is already transforming workplaces in ways that we could have never imagined. But while it’s revolutionizing aspects of work for the better, it’s also… Read More

Does Boomerang Hiring Make Sense?

They quit, go to work for someone else and then come back to you – that’s a boomerang employee. In a recent Ceridian report, analyzing… Read More

Has Remote Work Killed the Sick Day?

Once upon a time, taking a sick day was pretty straightforward. Before the advent of remote work, if an employee was sick, they would either… Read More

The Case for Vulnerability as a Catalyst for Growth

In recent years, much has been written on the topic of vulnerable leadership – and it’s exciting. I believe we’re finally reaching a point where… Read More

Turnover is Not Always Bad for Business

Employee turnover is arguably the most misunderstood HR metric. For instance, prevailing wisdom states that companies should strive for the lowest number of staff departures. … Read More

HR in 2030: Predictions for the Future of Work

True – the last few years have been a reminder of how unpredictable the future of work can be. But that doesn’t mean HR shouldn’t… Read More

Recognizing National Indigenous Peoples Day: HR Resources

June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day. No matter who you are – Indigenous, non-Indigenous or a newcomer – this is a dedicated day to… Read More