TikTok Recruiting 101

Are you putting all your eggs in the LinkedIn basket when it comes to social media recruiting? While LinkedIn is a valuable tool for finding… Read More

The Recipe for a Great Office Social Media Policy

From Tik Tok to LinkedIn, social media platforms in the workplace can serve as a powerful tool for businesses to help boost brand awareness and… Read More

Canada is in the Midst of a Chronic Skills Shortage. How Should HR Respond?

Over the last few years, businesses across the world, including in Canada, have been finding it harder to fill jobs due to the widening skills… Read More

Leaving Loudly: 6 Key Questions HR Can Ask in Response to QuitTok

In recent months, a new social media trend has edged its way into the workplace discourse: QuitTok. It’s the phenomenon that sees employees filming their… Read More

How Should HR Measure Belonging?

Belonging is a fundamental human need that organizations and HR departments have long prioritized. But despite the widespread recognition of belonging as a crucial… Read More

Happy International HR Day!

On May 20th, we celebrate International HR Day, a special day to recognize the dedicated HR professionals who positively impact organizations and its people. Here… Read More

The Rise of the Dry Promotion

Promotions are traditionally a cause for celebration as it likely means a new job title, increased responsibilities and a raise. But what happens when the… Read More

Total Rewards in a Career Journey

In today’s dynamic workplace, organizations must constantly monitor trends, reinvent themselves and innovate to stand out from their competitors as it relates to total rewards. Read More

Eager to Hire a Chief AI Officer? Avoid These 5 Mistakes

As organizations dive headfirst into AI and Generative AI technologies, the rise of a new title is hard to miss: chief artificial intelligence officer (CAIO). Read More

2024 Student Case Competition Recap

HRPA recently wrapped up our highly successful, fifth annual Student Case Competition, which took place on March 20th and 23rd. This year, the competition went… Read More